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Every dollar raised by EDUCATE will go directly towards the cause. There will be no money deducted for any indirect expenses like travel, accommodation, meals etc.

Team EDUCATE will donate money out of their own pockets directly to the cause and will take care of their own personal expenses as we are blessed with sufficiency.


Short Films/

 Our hope is to bring these stories to life in Canada in front of our patrons and donors so that they can understand the cause.

Greeting Cards

Children will draw custom greeting and Christmas cards which donors can purchase. All proceeds will go back to the children through Educate.


Photographers will capture moments for patrons and donors to purchase. All proceeds will go back to the children through Educate.

Our Missions

COLUMBIA - Our Latest Mission


Our first mission (through was in Lima, Peru and this year we chose Bogota, Colombia.


The success of these kinds of projects is only possible with the help of the "community" and the "Crowd" and we believe that communication is a key factor in determining the success of such endeavours. And on that note, here's a summary of our trip and our thoughts:

Children at these orphanages do not come by choice but because of circumstances. Every story is equally heart wrenching. Whether it's the abused child who was kept in a bucket because of extreme physical deformities or a child who was abandoned because of mental health issues like Autism. Due to wonderful efforts made by the volunteers and noble individuals like Dr. Fernando Quintero (who runs the Proyecto Union orphanage in Bogota), they all find a home and shelter. They get to live with dignity. However, life for a child at an orphanage is a difficult one, especially when they have disabilities...



PERU - Our First Mission


On November 8th, EDUCATE founders (along with four other like-minded individuals) went to Peru for 8 days to implement their first initiative - building a small facility to help underprivileged children and assess their needs. Along with donating our time and with the help of our patrons and donors we also donated some funds, clothes, toys and books. 



There is so much to do everywhere, though Peru was a great start. By leading this initiative, EDUCATE was able to monitor construction, provide help and support to not only those involved in making this project happen but also to those the initiative strives to lend a helping hand. With the support of our network, we have taken the help of other like-minded individuals to pilot this project and make a real difference. Through our network, we hope to grow this initiative to other locations.

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